Get up in the morning 
Alarm clocks clean socks 
Brush your teeth look neat 
Join the others on the street 
Bus ride tube train 
Going off to work again 
Up to the third floor 
Name on the office door 
Paper lying on the floor 
Pick it up and do some more 
Lunch break break down 
Valium and alcohol 
Nicotine adrenaline 
Doesn't it make your head spin? 
Back to the grindstone 
Head on the guillotine 
Pulling all the stops out 
Socks up head down 
Doing it good you're doing it well 
'cos you wanna please the boss 
But you wish he'd go to hell 
But the wages in the brown bag 
Underneath the name tag 
Are keeping you in line 
So you do the overtime 
And you get the train late again 
Surrounded by the same lame people 
Playing your game 
No-one even knows your name 
Back straight home late 
All the food is out of date 
Wife has left a note 
Sayin 'don't forget your coat' 
Quick snack head back 
Living on the wrong track 
Should have tried refusing 
But you could've got the sack 
It's getting so confusing 
'cos you know you're only losing 
But the choice of ever choosing 
Never seemed to cross your mind 
So you go to bed at ten 
And you think 'never again' 
But you get up in the morning 
And you get to work on time